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HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
is a language which acts as the skeleton to provide the structure and content for a webpage.

Best practices

  • Appropriate element type selection is very important for screen readers
  • Comments: provide a brief explanation or label for the code
  • Every image needs a clear and brief description for screen readers
  • Decorative images should be hidden from screen readers
  • Formatting: elements needs to be appropriately nested
  • Headings: each section needs an appropriate heading
  • Validate the code: check the code for errors using a HTML validator


  • Classes: can be assigned to multiple elements and should have a simple and intuitive name based on either the element ("main-heading") or the style that will be applied ("bold")
  • IDs: are only used once/for a single element and are used in navigation links
  • Check that each start tag has a corresponding end tag
  • Check folder pathway if the link isn't working
  • “Alt” + “shift” + “F” automatically indents code and makes it easier to check for closing tags in VS Code

One & Done